Thursday, September 26, 2013

The 33 Strategies of war

The 33 Strategies of war is a book by Robert Greene. Will list few of the strategies mentioned in the book. Source link

Create a sense of urgency and desperation

The Death-Ground Strategy

You are your own worst enemy. You waste previous time dreaming of the future instead of engaging in the present. Cut your ties to the past — enter unknown territory. Place yourself on "death ground", where your back is against the wall and you have to fight like hell to get out alive.

In 1519, Hernán Cortés led an expedition to conquer the Aztecs. When he arrived in Mexico, his men grew fearful of the fierce warriors. Cortés sank his ships so his soldiers could not run away. Left with no option, they fought and won. People fight like wildcats when they have no other choice.

Overwhelm resistance with speed and suddenness

The Blitzkrieg Strategy

In a world in which many people are indecisive and overly cautious, the use of speed will bring you untold power. Striking first, before your opponents have time to think or prepare, will make them emotional, unbalanced, and prone to error.

In German, “blitzkrieg” means “lightning war,” an onslaught of ultra fast movement and total obliteration. People often are indecisive and fear moving quickly. If you strike boldly, hard and fast, your enemies won’t know what hit them

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