Monday, June 24, 2013

Just for Today

Just for Today

1) I will be happy (Act cheerfully)
2) I will try to adjust (myself to my family, my business, and my luck as they come and not try to adjust everything to my own desires.)
3) I will take care of my body ( do exercise and doesn't neglect it)
4) I will try to strengthen my mind (learn something useful, read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.)
5) I will exercise my soul in three ways ( Do somebody a good and not get found out.Do at least two things I don't want to do)
6) I will be agreeable.( Dress and look well, talk low, act courteously, praise, don't criticise, regulate nor improve anyone.)
7) I will try to live through this day only ( Do important and prioritized tasks)
8) I will have a programme. (write down what I expect to do every hour)
9) I will have a quiet half-hour all by myself and relax.
10) I will be unafraid (to be happy and enjoy beautiful, to love)

Just for Today written by the late Sibyl F. Partridge. I found it in the book 'How to stop worrying and start living - Dale Carnegie

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