Friday, May 24, 2013

Double Your Reading Rate/How to Read 70+ Books in a Year - Scott H Young

Double Your Reading Rate
Original author/link:

I believe there are six major keys to improving your reading skill. Like all skills, success only comes through practice, so just reading this article won’t be enough. But if you are interested in how you might be able to make dramatic improvements in both speed and comprehension, I’ve found these six points to be the best start.

1) Remember, Reading is Not Linear
2) Stop Subvocalizing
3) Practice Reading
  Practice reading doesn’t mean reading. Practice reading involves reading faster than you can actually read. Chances are you won’t comprehend much of what you are reading because your brain is so used to going at a slower rate and subvocalizing. The point is simply to see the text faster than you can read so you can untie the habit of sounding the words as you comprehend them.
4) Use a Pointer
5) Eliminate Distractions
6) Find Your Motivation

How to Read 70+ Books in a Year

Original link:


Step One: Learn to Speed Read
Step Two: Always Have a Book
Step Three: One Book at a Time
Step Four: Fill Gap Time With Reading
Step Five: Cut the Television and Web-Surfing
Step Six: Keep a To-Read List

Getting Started
Set a one month reading goal. Try to read 10-30 pages a day just for the next month. Nothing too challenging, but enough to help you install the habits of regular reading.

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